Calorie Counters - Finding the World's Best Weight Loss Tools

Look up Calories in Foods

Enter food keywords to look up 13 nutrition facts in DietPower's 21,000-entry food database.

Why Clever Dieters Count Calories

No matter what diet you're on, the only way to lose weight is to get fewer calories than your body needs for maintaining your current weight. This isn't somebody's opinion—it's a law of physics. The question is, which calorie counter is best for you? To find out, click the links below.

See Reviews of Calorie-Counting...

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Handheld Devices Pedometers Heart Monitors

(To suggest other kinds of calorie counters for review, .)

Click to download a free trial of Diet Power's calorie counter softwareDownload this Top-Rated Calorie Counter FREE

Put a Weight Loss Coach on Your PC!

The Only Software that Guarantees Success by Tracking Metabolism

  • Works with any diet*—or no diet
  • Favors foods you like
  • Plans meals; analyzes recipes
  • Monitors 33 vital nutrients
  • Counts calories in 21,000 foods
  • Tracks calories you burn in exercise
  • Delivers daily nutrition news
  • And more....

How it Works

Download our Eating Coach™ to any Windows PC**.  Enter your goals.  Log your foods and exercise.  Mind your Calorie Bank and you cannot fail to reach your goals.


FREE DOWNLOAD: Start Losing Weight 2 Minutes from Now!

No strings attached—We're Not That Kind of Company™. (Talk to us at 800-852-8446.)